Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Fill-ins: 2nd Edition



My 2nd Friday Fill-in, I have been extremely busy lately because I’ve just moved to a new home, been packing and cleaning and unpacking, and I’m exhausted! I’m taking a break today, so here I am again. we go!

1. Anonymous..._comments are welcome, but I really like knowing who you are, so leave your names and urls_.

2. _Adam Lambert_ is a _damn good singer!_

3. Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for thee leads me to my destiny.

4. _Considering that my country doesn’t have four seasons, rain is not_ what I look forward to most about Spring.

5. Who needs therapy when _ice cream, chocolates, and books work so well_.

6. _Nothing(because I don’t celebrate Easter)_ MUST go into the Easter Basket!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _relaxing with a book_, tomorrow my plans include _cleaning the house and studying a little_ and Sunday, I want to _have a nice night out with my hubby_!


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