Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker


The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker

I’ve heard and read a lot of reviews about this book, and I’d been curious about it for some time.

The reviews piqued my interest, and the subject matter looked like it would be fascinating to read about. It didn’t disappoint. Much.

The story’s about Truly Plaice, who’s born big and keeps getting bigger, apparently from a medical condition. She suffers from isolation and the cruelty of her peers because of her difference, and it doesn’t help that her older sister is the total opposite of her; petite and beautiful.

The story was good, but I felt that there could’ve been a lot more to it if the author would’ve explored further. The ending was a little anti-climatic for me, I felt that there was so much potential that wasn’t probed at and explored.

All in all, I’d say that the book is worth reading, but not particularly spectacular. Perhaps other readers will like it better than I did.


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