Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Beginning of a Book Group

Those of you who’ve been following my blog for a while know that I’ve wanted to be in a reading group for the longest time, so I’m happy to say that I finally got one!

Well, kinda.

It’s only just me and one other guy at the moment, but it’s a start! We’re looking for maybe 3-5 more readers to join us, but while we’re looking, we’re gonna go ahead and start with just the two of us, so I’m really psyched about it! =)

We’re gonna be meeting on the third weekend of every month, and we’ve already got our first two books picked out.

December’s book is Tess of the D’Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy, and
January’s book is The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco.

I can’t wait! The discussions are gonna be great! I hope we get more people joining us soon, but even if not, I’m sure we’ll have fun anyway. =)


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